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 Photo courtesy: Vietnam guideIf you in Hanoi and looking for top class international brands, then Trang Tien Plaza is where you find them. Trang Tien Plaza is a clean and organized shopping mall spread over five floors and located in downtown Hanoi in the French Quarter. The shops in Trang Tien Plaza are geared more towards the elite and this is where Hanoi rich and famous come to shop for international designer goods and luxury items..

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I do still think one ought to purchase a couple of great, original pieces over wasteful, dishonest fast style; neither do I pardon lifting designs as well as passing them off as one's own. But I have actually additionally discovered that affixing value-- or, more to the point, self-worth-- to these items is absolutely pointless. Now, if somebody asks me if a piece is real, I respond with a shrug.

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Victoria is estimated to have more than 100 Birkin bags, purchasing her very first bag in 2004 and being seen lugging one for every single event until she launched her brand name. In 2014, it was approximated that Hermes was generating 70,000 Birkin bags a year, making it a rarity compared to other high-end goods and also 'it' bags. Only a certain number are made each year , with fierce competitors to obtain one.

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Though the process of purchasing a Birkin bag isn't always open secret, the history of the design is one that Hermès shares openly on its internet site. As the story goes, the suggestion for the bag came out of a discussion with renowned actress and also style icon Jane Birkin as well as then-Executive Chairman of Hermès, Jean-Louis Dumas, during an Air France flight in 1984. Birkin revealed that she couldn't find a bag that fit her life as a young mother at the time.

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